At last I seem to be sewing again. I have been working on a couple of projects for lately. The first is Pam's Build a Seam blocks. I have finished 3. The first one is the Chevron Stitch
I used Chevron to cover the seam and then had a nice play with fly-stitch, colonial knots, detached chain and pistil stitch.
The next block I did was the Cretan stitch
instead of doing the seam I filled in the little blue area with cretan leaves, bullion roses, colonial knot forget-me-nots and some detached chain leaves.
The last one I have finished so far is the Buttonhole Stitch.
For this I used knotted buttonhole on the seam with buttonhole and colonial knot hollyhocks with a few detached chain leaves thrown in for good measure.
The colours in these photos are not very good but then I am not much of a photographer.
The second project is some butterflies using different methods of stitching for my U3A class I attend on Tuesday afternoon during term time. I am also experimenting with a way to transfer drawings to embroider to my fabric. For this series I am using a water soluble fabric with the design drawn on it. As the item I am embroidering on is to be used as a food cover it will need washing so I am not worried about whether I can wash it.
The first butterfly is my version of Jacobean Embroidery
Not a great photo but there you go.
The second is Dorset Feather Embroidery
This photo is better and you can see the water soluble fabric I am using.
And last so far is an appliqué using sheer fabric
I hope it works but we shall see. You can also see the sewing lines on the water-soluble fabric.
I also did a Dorset Feather strip that I will eventually stitch onto a hand towel.
With this I used an ordinary pencil to do the placement marks. I am sure it will wash out.