Friday, October 29, 2010

BAS Challange and Cracker Swap

I wanted to do the BAS challange but had little time to indulge myself; then I thought wait a minute you have signed up for the Christmas Cracker Swap with the Crazy Quilting International Group so why not use these blocks to do the challange stitches on. I started on week 60 - naturally I have always been a little backward and here is the result.
I forgot to take a photo of both the naked blocks but here is one naked and one started. I just love the Woven Cross Stitch which is the challange stitch and the herringbone and detached chain that were one of the challanges but I cant remember the number.
I hope my partners will like what I am doing.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Crazy Quilt Block Bits

As you have probably guessed I am very new at this crazy Quilt thing but I just love seeing every ones' work at Crazy Quilting International Group. I thought I would show some of the things I have been working on. This was for the University of the Third Age and though I enjoyed doing the sewing not many of my fellow students though much of the concept so I am afraid I got a bit lost but these blocks will be a WIP to pratice ideas and stitches on.
I hope you enjoy and please feel free to give me advice on where I should go next.

Friday, October 8, 2010

At last I am able to upload the images from Meaghean's Graduation yesterday.
Here she is with Jim they both look pretty smug.

And here she is with me I am very proud of what she has achieved so far and know she will continue on her studious way until she has achieved her goal of a PhD.

Thank you and other important things...

I'm not very good at this Blogging thing yet and don't know how to thank you individually for your kind comments about my Blog , so please take this as a thank you ;-). I really appreciate your feed back but please don't be afraid of constructive criticism. I am learning like all of us and praise while good for the ego is not all that good for the soul.
I have not been working on anything for the last couple of days as we have been preparing for our daughter's graduation as a Master of Special Education. I am so proud of her work and dedication congratulations Meaghean on a job well done!!!
I don't know what is happening here I can't insert a photo so I will upload one as soon as my computer will co-operate.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buttons, Buttons, Buttons

I love them!!! I read about Dorset Buttons and had to have a go so here are my first try at these gorgeous buttons. The two plain pink ones are a bit rough. They are my very first attempt but I think the two multi colouted ones are a bit better. To find more information about these and other embroidered buttons.

These next ones are made with Colonial Knots embroidered over the woven framework I think they are rather pretty and look like little bouquets.

These last three are my daughter's favourite. The center weave is done with the same varigated thread I used for the Colonial Knot on the previous buttons.

The next lot I have to try are Singletons.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Button Challange

My Crazy Quilting Group is having a button challange so here are my contributions. These buttons were made a couple of years ago to go on some cushion covers that have since gone to the duster bag.
I could not throw away the buttons because I thought they were cute I hope you do also