Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buttons, Buttons, Buttons

I love them!!! I read about Dorset Buttons and had to have a go so here are my first try at these gorgeous buttons. The two plain pink ones are a bit rough. They are my very first attempt but I think the two multi colouted ones are a bit better. To find more information about these and other embroidered buttons.

These next ones are made with Colonial Knots embroidered over the woven framework I think they are rather pretty and look like little bouquets.

These last three are my daughter's favourite. The center weave is done with the same varigated thread I used for the Colonial Knot on the previous buttons.

The next lot I have to try are Singletons.


  1. Looking great! NOOOO! I don't neeed something else to try right now! LOL Tempting but I'll let you have fun awhile. COOL

  2. These are just great! I love the bouquets but then I also like the green woven ones too! Great job!!!

  3. love the pink ones with the knots

  4. Cute buttons! The pink with bows are my fave!

  5. So pretty! I'll have to try my hand at them, they don't seem too complicated, I hope! Great job!

  6. Really nice buttons. They are so versatile, eh? Shari in Colorado

  7. These are great!! I have tried some and they didn't look this nice. Guess I should try again! Welcome to StitchMap.
