Friday, June 10, 2011

I have just discovered a wonderfully generous Giveaway from Connie Go over and check it out this is to die for I just hope I am the lucky one

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Amy's Block FFT#14

At last I am doing as I promised that is showing not only my stitching but where the ideas came from.
This is a very special block for Amy so I felt I needed to do something special. Once I started stitching it was a very hard block to put down I could have filled every space but I knew Sarma and Sue would like me to leave them somewhere to do their stitching. The Sturt's desert pea never got on the block it just did not seem to fit in anywhere but if you like Amy I will do you a little piece with one on it.
So here is my stitching the vine is stem stitch, detached chain, colonial knots (I like them better than the bullion knots for this sort of thing LOL ;-D) and bullion roses. The little beetle is bullion stitch, pistil stitch and once again my favourite colonial knots. The seam is double detached chain pistil stitch colonial knots and a mixture of herringbone and chevron stitch I forget what it is called.
And here is Amy's beautiful block so far. I am so glad i got to add my little bit to it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


A couple of weeks ago I uploaded the images of my block I intended to use for the Victoriana Symbols. Well at last I have done a little work in the first side. This will eventually become a handbag I am not sure how practical it will be but I hope it will be beautiful.
The first symbol is a spider and it's web and inhabitant is supposed to bring good luck.

The next symbol is a fan. Fans used by a lady in Victorian times could convey all sorts of messages. It all depended on how the fan was placed in front of her face or held in her hand. Now they are just beautiful things to keep us cool. In Asia they are used a lot and it is a puzzle to me why Australian do not nake more use of a fan. I for one carry one in my handbag at all times.
The little tatted fan is another of my firsts. LOL;-D. I have been trying to work out how to tat for at least 40 years and at last now at the age of 67 I can do it. The fan is the first big pattern I followed and is the 3rd try at the pattern but at least it worked this time. I couched it onto the block and the beaded the picots and some other elements. When the bag is finished I think I will make a tassel for the end of the ribbon.

This is a seam treatment I have used on the block. This block will not only have the Victorian symbols I also intend to use it to pratice new, to me, tecniques.

Friday, January 28, 2011

FFT #14 update

I have just finished working on Janet's  block. This was so scary as it was my very first embroidery done on something that belongs to someone else. I decided to put a little bit of Oz on her block so here is the Gum Blossom I did.
The blossom is pistal stitch with a colonial knot worked over some of the blossoms. The nuts and backing are bullion stitch. The leaves are either satin stitch or bokahara(Sp) stitch and the large leaf is outlined with backstitch, the stems are stemstitch.

I have just taught myself how to tat and the little butterfly was the first of my efforts I felt I could give to someone else. The body is a freshwater pearl that was exactly the right size and shape and the antennae are topped with a glass pearl bead.
The seam treatment here is a 3 sets of running stitch with  a double row of sienese stitch in silver over the 2 outside rows.

The second seam is a little hard to see but it is made up of herringbone stitch, straight stitch, detached chain and colonial knots. All my stitching is done with single strand DMC except the silver thread.

This is picture of the block so far and I think it is coming along beautifully and I can't wait to see it when it is finished. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

12 Months of Victorian Symbology

I was going to enter the purse contest in Crazy Quilting International but then decided the 12 Months of Victorian Symbols would be fun also. I am making an effort this year not to put too much on my plate both physically and metaphorically so I decided I had to do one or the other. I have already made the naked purse sides so that will be my Victoriana project and I will either keep it for myself or gift it to someone special.
Throughout the year I will post my progress.
The first thing I have to do now is prepare and stitch all the seams and decide where challenge one has to go on the blocks. The first photo is side one and the second photo is side two.
The idea for the shape came from a machine embroidery pattern I purchased some time ago, I can't remember where.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Finished Paper paper

This was just the best fun and I cannot bear to give any of it away. The large piece in the foreground is the leftovers so I went ahead an laminated it. I had to cut it down to A4 size and that gave me a little bit left over so I made a bookmark from it.

From my original 12" x 24" piece of fabric paper I ended up with a 5" box, a little notebook, a mousemat and a bookmark. I will probably give the entire set to my daughter for her birthday.
I certainly plan to make more of this paper and maybe store it untill needed . I  am dertainly walking outsie of my comfort zone and I usually like my sewing to be a little more finished than these items are but the rustic finish suits the articles.
The buttons on the little box are some Dorset buttons I made earlier and the gold tassels are store bought.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Making Paper Fabric

What fun I have had this afternoon. The Art4Mail group had a play day and made paper fabric. I had to go out so could not play with the other kids but when I got home I had the best time.
I used calico (muslin) as the base and craft glue mixed with water to stick it all down.

I used some pink, yellow, black,silver and gold tossue and then used some party napkins to the mix, My husband thinks I have reverted to childhood but I was never allowed to make these kind of messes in the kitchen when I was small.
I also used some thread offcuts from my embroidery machine and a piece of glittery knitting thread.
I can't wait till this all dries so I can play on my sewing machine with some fancy threads and stitching.
I will post some more photos as I progress.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I did it

Here I am yesterday sitting in the mess on my desk. It is a wonder I could find anything but as you all probably know now it is tidy it will take me ages to find where I have hidden everything. I must admit it is a sense of achievement to know it is done.
I even planted some of those fern dust thingies to see if I could grow more. I must just love mess LOL ;-}.
Here are some before and after shots of my achievement.

How can I be this sort of a grub but it just builds up .
 All tidy you can see the surface of the desk.
Here is the Tree Fern outside the window. We are on the second story of the house so that gives you and idea of the size of this tree. It is beautiful and the spores are only there about one week a year so I suppose I can get over it.

Here are the spores they are on my alpha file. Just as well I  and the family are not allergic to them or there would be big trouble as it is they just make the place look even dirtier than what it is.

another view of my pristine workspace. How good am I!!!! LOL!!

And here I am looking well pleased with myself. It is all very well to tidy things up but how long will this last this is the challenge for me. I am good a cleaning up messes but keeping things tidy is another thing.
I have joined the challange to be more organized and my desk seems a good place to start.

I love lists I make hundreds of them!!! Don't usually get to cross anything from them as I lose them. At least I try. Part of my craft room(s) is in the kitchen and as we have an open plan house I do have to keep that part halfway tidy. My long suffering husband reckons if I find an empty space I will fill it with fabric or paint or beads or whatever my current obsession is.

I must say though I always have a shiny sink as I can't stand dishes laying around that is why I have a dishwasher.

With this support group maybe I will be able to clear my computer desk. I have a tree fern outside the window behind my desk and it has decided to make babies (little brown dust) all through the place.
This dust or spores, as my daughter informs me, is so fine it comes through the flyscreens in the window. The solution I am informed is to close the window but then how would I get air into the house I hate being shut in.

Enough procrastination for now I am going to clean my desk I'll let you know how I got on.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

RR #14

At last the time has come around to start my very first Round Robin. This is so exciting I just hope everyone likes the naked block I have made. The fabrics come from some linen shirts I was given as well as a linen coat that is too big for me. 
This RR also made me look for a desktop publishing program that was free so I could make the little booklet. I found this one called Page Plus at It works very well and is free although there is a pay for upgrade.
I am so looking forward to getting Janet's block to work on and just hope my work will be acceptable. I know anything I recieve will be treasured for a very long time .